Thursday, April 6, 2017

Post Cyclone Update

Greetings, Loved Ones!

It is time for an update.

Aaron and I are doing well. I broke my toe a few weeks ago, but on the bright side, that should fill my quota for bodily injury for the next few months at least. It could have been worse: I could have fallen out of a tree! So, I am gruntled.

The days are cooling as Autumn takes the role of our presiding season. We've moved into mid-to-high 80's as opposed to low 100's! I wore jeans yesterday for the first time in months.

Cyclone Debbie is old news for us but a bit further south they are still experiencing the aftermath. For instance: a fully grown bull shark was just found on a sidewalk in a town just a few hours from us. That being said, a shark of colossal proportions just turned up in our swimming area last week. But that had nothing to do with flooding -- I'm afraid that's just the nature of every day life around here. Anyway, thank you for your prayers! Your faithful love and support have encouraged and spurred us on through so much, and this cyclone was no exception.

In other news, I would like to elaborate on the upcoming plans I mentioned in my previous post. Aaron is planning on re-enlisting into the Royal Australian Air Force, or the "RAAF." He has begun the process already, and while it is a long road ahead, we are traveling down it steadily. We aren't sure how long it will take and there is still a galling amount of hoops to jump through, but Lord willing, he will be re-enlisted soon. In the mean time, he has a great job nearby that provides solid physical and mental preparation for the military.

He and I are doing so well. In summation, our lives are starting to look more ordinary than usual -- as oxymoronic as that sounds. No more weeks spent in hospital beds, no more sudden, cross-continental trips fueled by the power of love. I have a sneaking suspicion that our lives may take a turn for the outlandish in the near future, but I could be wrong. With histories such as ours, getting comfortable with the ordinary is typically improvident.

Lastly, I wanted to share a little piece of happiness from my week. I've been in the habit of walking to the beach in the mornings and reading whichever book strikes my fancy at the time. As of last week, I've been enthralled by a book titled "In A Sunburned Country", by Bill Bryson. This book, courtesy of my dear friend and constant email pal Alison Mullins, has proven to be an incredulously accurate and altogether hysterical collection of observations on the country of Australia. If you really do want to know more about this country that I'm learning to call home, this is the book for you. It's a perfectly balanced concoction of true facts and personal observations -- most of which I have made myself at some point. It's great to hear them said by a fellow American. At any rate, the book has brought me a good deal of joy and I would recommend it to anyone in a heartbeat.

That's all for now, and as always, we would love to hear from you. Feel free to email or comment below!

Much love!

Anna & Aaron
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